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Frissítve: 2020. máj. 31.

The mothers who tend to suffer the most in early motherhood are... intelligent, creative, empathic, good at reading people, highly sensitive, perfectionistic, compassionate, intuitive... What wonderful traits... But which can bring such pain. We feel all the conflicting expectations directed at mothers... We want to satisfy them... And we can't. So we can feel guilt, shame, and fear... Leading to anxiety, anger, and depression... But it doesn't have to be this way! We CAN be emotionally free and be happy in motherhood... Even highly sensitive empaths! Let me know if you would like to talk. To your Happy Mother Life,

Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach :)


I started my coaching career as a Postpartum Anxiety Coach... and what I noticed was that my clients seemed to be "escaping" into anxiety...

They had all experienced way too much SHAME and FAILURE during pregnancy, birth or early motherhood...

They felt like they were failing motherhood, womanhood, and life. :(

These emotions were so painful that they literally "escaped" into terrifying irrational fears... such as...


1. The fear that their baby was going to die... (OCD Symptoms).

2. The fear that THEY were going to die... (Health Anxiety Symptoms).

3. The fear that they are being hacked over the internet... (Safety Anxiety Symptoms)

4. The fear that Child Protective Service was going to take their baby away... (Panic Attacks).

5. The fear that they were going to harm their baby (Intrusive Thoughts).


So, I researched all the different Shames, Guilts, and other Painful Emotions of motherhood... and I helped my clients process them and free themselves from each and every one... <3

They embraced Honesty, Love, and Acceptance... and no longer felt the need to "escape" into their irrational fears...

They realized that they had NOT failed motherhood, womanhood, and life...

They were truly GOOD ENOUGH... just the way they were. <3


It is my firm conviction that anxiety is almost always an ESCAPE...

It is a Secondary Symptom...

It is an Indication of all the Shame, Failure, and other painful emotions we feel...


By identifying what you are REALLY feeling... by addressing all the Shame and other emotions at the core... you too will no longer feel the need to escape...

You will begin to love yourself and your life again... and you will be able to CONNECT with other people in the way you most desire. <3

Let me know if you'd like to talk.

You can totally do this!

I know you can! <3

Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach :)


When I was a young mother, it would have never occurred to me in a million years what my REAL problem was…

I was already 100% certain of what MY problem was: My problem was ME!

I was incompetent, my parenting skills were atrocious, I had been failing constantly since the beginning of motherhood, and I was obviously not meant to be a mother.

My feelings of failure often morphed into anger towards my daughter... which made me feel guilt... which propelled me into more anger... which made me feel like I was failing life itself... :(

I had no idea that my experiences might be common.

I had no idea that MY failure was ALL of our failures... that MY rage was ALL of our rage!

I didn’t realize that maybe I wasn’t alone… and that I wasn’t unique at all!

I simply couldn't handle the environment in which I found myself...

an environment that is too hard on mothers!

You ARE good enough!

You ARE meant to be a mother!

And you are not alone!


Let me know if you'd like to find out more about my Anxiety & Depression Coaching for Mothers and Fathers in all stages of Parenthood...

From Postpartum Anxiety to Empty-Nest Anxiety...

We are never alone! <3

To your Happiness...

Marni Penner

A Kanadai Coach :)

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