One of the craziest things that I used to believe when I had social anxiety was that I was BORING... and that I didn't have anything interesting to say...
However, as you might have noticed in my posts yesterday containing "ass time" and "butt ugly"... "boring" is not the most appropriate qualifier for me...
I simply hadn't figured out the secret to meaningful conversation... due to being locked in the vicious cycle of social anxiety...
I then spent a year in Hungary, and I met a friend who turned my life around.
He taught me the secret to having endless meaningful conversations with everyone I met...
The secret lied in these two concepts that I called HONESTY & LOVE:
🔸 *HONESTY* means "sharing what is there". It means SHARING whatever is in your heart or in your mind.
💗 *LOVE* means being truly PRESENT with the other person... and being truly INTERESTED, and CURIOUS about them.
Conversation is a DANCE between these two concepts of Honesty and Love... :)
So, however boring or uninteresting you believe yourself to be... it is not true.
You may have simply been caught in the negative spiral of "Social Anxiety-Shame-Isolation"... and have not been able to witness yourself shine.
Let me know if you would like to know more about how I can help you overcome your Social Anxiety... and have truly endless things to say. <3
To your wonderful self...
Marni Penner
A Kanadai Coach :)